about me

Hey, it's me!

My full name is John James Reeve IV, from which jjriv is derived (in case you were wondering). You can call me John.

I've been designing and coding for the web since the early 90s. That's when I discovered the Internet on a dumb terminal in a campus computer lab (it was in the basement under the math building.) I was immediately hooked.

I went on to graduate from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a BS in Graphic Design and a minor in Computer Science. The school’s Learn by Doing approach to education has stuck with me to this day.

Today, I am still in the sway of my two lifelong passions — building stuff and solving problems. Whether it be Lego, code, or Raspberry PIs, I'm a tinkerer.

While I still consider myself a left- and right-brained person, my learning journey has steered me more in the direction of left-brained pursuits. I'm a full stack developer helplessly lost in the lower layers of the stack — Linux operating systems, PostgreSQL databases, Apache and Nginx web servers, and server side scripting languages.

When I'm not sitting in front of a computer you'll find me pedaling around on a bike, reading books on the couch, and enjoying life with my wife and two teenage boys.